Sunday, January 6, 2013

Returning to Normal Living

My time off is winding down quickly as I have to go back to work on Tuesday.  I've been off of work for 5 weeks now due to surgery.  This is the longest that I've been off of work since I was a teenager!

Going back to work after a Medical Leave of Absence, plus starting into a new year means that there is much work to be done to be prepared.   I'm doing the laundry today, including all of the clothes from the cruise.  I also just finished creating all of my files for 2013.

My 2013 Files, Ready to Go!

Now I have to finish all of the filing for 2012, which sucks!  I'm going to try to be better about getting everything filed weekly this year.  We just get so much garbage in the mail and I shred anything that has any personal information on it, so that's a lot of work!  Fortunately I have a better shredder now and that should help a lot!

Earlier this week the lady that I have had cleaning my house on a monthly basis came to do the January cleaning.  She does a really good job and I asked her how much she'd charge me if I got her to come in twice a month.  She said that she'd do it for $75.00 a cleaning, which is so great!  So I asked her to come twice a month now.  That will be so helpful to me!  I work full time and don't have the time to keep the house up to my extremely picky standards of cleanliness and neatness.  This will make me feel much better!

I went back to the Gym today and did 30 minutes on the Elliptical.  It felt so wonderful!  The endorphins started kicking in about 5 minutes into the workout and stayed with me the whole time!  The doctor who did my surgery wants me to wait 8 weeks to start back with lifting weights, but I'm going to ask one of the personal trainers at the Gym if there is a way around this by working with bands.  He has a Masters Degree in Exercise Science, so I know that he'll be able to come up with something!  I haven't put any weight on at all, either from the cruise or the holidays, so I'm going into 2013 feeling alright!  I want to be as tight and toned as possible for a very special event coming up in March!

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