Saturday, January 14, 2012

You Can't Always Get Want You Want

I will be the first to say that I am blessed.  I work very hard, but have a good life, thank God!  I also have to say that I have had some aching disappointments since 2012 has dawned, and these disappointments are people related.  I have absolutely no right to have any expectations from those involved, but I can't help but feel somewhat sad about it all. 

I have really wanted things in the past and am now thankful that I never got them as it would have been disastrous had my hopes been realized.  I have always been a daydreamer and got in trouble for it at times when I was a kid in school.  My grown up daydreams have helped me to get what I am missing in my life and relationships, even though it is only in my mind. So I guess that my daydreams will just have to stay put in my mind, until I can find some new ones to replace them, and it is certain that the new ones will eventually become disappointments as well.

So, I will embrace the wisdom of the Rolling Stones for tonight's post by saying "you can't always get what you want".  But the part that I have to remember is "if you try sometimes, you get what you need".  Fortunately, I have all of my basic needs, but there is something missing and I have not been able to find it, not even in my daydreams.  Hopefully, I will find it one day before I leave this earth.

I will close my post tonight with a very appropriate song by the Rolling Stones:

Don't the Stones just say it all!

Until tomorrow . . .

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