Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Can't Make You Love Me, If You Don't

This is going to be a short post tonight, but I have alot to say in a small amount of words, and these words are . . . I should have known better!

A certain someone sent me a message on Facebook back when I was flying out to Hawaii for the holidays.  I was unaware of this message until I read a post from Morgan McMichaels yesterday on Facebook, where he lamented the fact that he missed a bunch of messages because they went to an "Other" button under his messages. After I read his post, I checked the "Other" button on my Facebook account and found some messages from guys I have never met wanting me to contact them, which I promptly blew off.  However, I was very surprised to see a message from this certain someone.  I believe the reason why I never saw this message is because I am not friends with this person on Facebook.

So, I replied to the message and figured that they would not see it as we are not Facebook friends.  So, I ended up sending a "Friend Request" to them, which I am now starting to regret.  I sent the message and friend request yesterday evening and it is now after midnight the next day and I have not received a response or acceptance of my friend request.  What a mistake I have made, and I should have known better!  I love my family and the few friends that I have and all I was asking for was friendship. I rarely seek friendship from anybody who is not my family.  What a waste of effort! I just have to face the fact that I can't make this person love me, if they don't. Quite frankly, it has become very apparent that they don't give a rat's ass about me!

So, here is a song by Bonnie Raitt that I am sadly making the theme song of this post tonight:

I have nobody to blame but myself, for expecting something from somebody who has nothing to give!

But, I have something to give to those who care about me.

With Love from Dallas (for those who care)

Until tomorrow . . .

Update on Sunday, January 8th - I went into Facebook and saw that it is possible to cancel friend requests, so I cancelled the friend request that I sent to this person.  I feel like a huge weight has lifted from my back!  Just like most people, I really hate to be rejected.  It really hurts!  This way, I won't have to face rejection.

Update on Sunday, October 14th - Earlier this month I sent another friend request and I'm now friends with this person.  I'm finally learning how to reach out and not be so uptight about it!

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