Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Graduate

Adeline graduated from the Children's Lighthouse's Private Kindergarten last Thursday, May 23, 2013 in a lovely evening ceremony held at Miller Elementary School in Richardson, Texas.  We headed to the school around 7:30 PM and had a photo session outside with all of the family after we arrived.  All of the graduates wore a white cap and gown with a 2013 tassel on the hat. Here's Adeline in her cap and gown out in the front of the school before the ceremony:

In cap and gown outside before the Ceremony

Here she is standing with Mommy:

Adeline and Mommy

Then she posed for a picture with Daddy:

Adeline and Daddy

Here she is with her maternal side of the family:  Granny Tina, Mommy (Catie), Uncle Joe-Joe, Grandma Karen and Grandpa Jim Horkey.

Adeline and the Horkey Family - left to right, Tina, Catie, Joe, Karen, and Jim

Next was her paternal side of the family:  Daddy (Alex), Abuelito (Hernan), Mimi (Mae West) and Miss Meghan.

Adeline and the Home Gang - Left to Right, Alex, Hernan, Mae and Meghan

Here's Daddy in the Auditorium showing off his "Adeline" tattoo on his neck:

Daddy and his "Adeline" Tattoo!

The Graduation Program was really cute but they didn't make enough copies to go around.  I put my copy down on my purse and somebody actually took it!  Fortunately, Grandma Karen had grabbed an extra one and gave it to me!  Thank you Grandma Karen!  Here's what it looked like:

Graduation Program

The Program had the cutest poem on the back of it!  Here is the poem:

Sticky fingers, freckled nose,
Head, shoulders, knees, and the toes, 
Shapes and colors, ABC's,
Taking turns, and 1, 2, 3's, 
Toothless smiles, hugs and giggles,
Circle time, many wiggles, 
Wooden blocks and dress-up clothes, 
Learning how a flower grows, 
Milk and cookies, first-time friend,
Thinking days like these won't end.
Tiny chairs give way to desks,
Book Reports and spelling tests,
So take off now; spread your wings;
Soar to new heights; learn new things.
Just remember, as you do,
Someone's very proud of you.

The presentation during the ceremony was impressive beyond words!  The children started out by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance; said Hello in ten different languages; recited all of the seasons, months and days of the week; counted to one-hundred in English then in Spanish; recited their times tables; performed a sign language routine; recited their colors in Spanish; named all of the continents and oceans; named all of the states and their capitols; named all of the presidents of the United States; and then recited poetry.

It was absolutely amazing that children who will be going into public school Kindergarten this Fall could know so much!!!!  The Children's Lighthouse has a wonderful staff and a fantastic curriculum!

Here's a picture of the 2013 Private Kindergarten in their caps and gowns doing their graduation presentation:

 The 2013 Private Kindergarten Class

Several of the children had speaking parts during the program.  Adeline was one of them and she was the first one up.  Here's a video of her presenting and of most of the program:

Here are Adeline and her friend Ava doing a Sign Language presentation:

Adeline and Ava doing Sign Language

The young lady in front of them wasn't signing.  She was just trying to keep her graduation cap on!  Several of the children had a hard time keeping their caps on.

After the presentation, Adeline was the first one called to receive her diploma from her teacher, Mrs. Kenya and the School Director, Mrs. Emily.  Here is a picture of Adeline receiving her Diploma:

Adeline receiving her diploma

Adeline's Diploma is very nice and we plan to hang it on her bedroom wall with some of her graduation photos.

The proud Graduate with her Diploma

Here is Adeline taking a photo-op with her teacher, Mrs. Kenya.  Mrs. Kenya is one of the loveliest and best teachers that I've ever known!  She is so caring and brings out the best in all of her students!

Adeline and her Teacher, Mrs. Kenya

Here is Adeline and her best friend and classmate Ava.  They are such cute little friends!

Adeline and her best friend Ava

Adeline sat and posed with her Diploma and several family members.  Here she is with Daddy:

Sitting with Daddy holding her Diploma

Then she sat with Mommy:

Sitting with Mommy holding her Diploma

Abuelito was next in line in the photo session:

Sitting with Abuelito holding her Diploma
And then Grandma Karen!

Sitting with Grandma Karen holding her Diploma

After the ceremony we went to Dairy Queen to eat some Dinner and have some ice cream. Here she is posing in her pink and black polka-dotted skirt:

Celebrating at Dairy Queen after the Graduation

What a wonderful evening we all had at Adeline's Graduation!  We are so proud of her and her accomplishments and look forward to many more graduations to come!

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